Desert Day

May 10, 9 am - 3 pm

We invite you to join us in setting aside time for the Lord. This will be a “desert day,” a day of reflection to be with God, from wherever you are. This is your personal time with your Lord. Includes lunch. Offering: $20

Compassion & Loss: A Boundless Compassion Retreat

 Friday, May 17, 10 am - 3 pm

In this day-long retreat, we will work on creating supportive practices for times of loss. Using Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion book as the basis for our retreat, we will explore the challenges of grief and loss and develop tools and a better understanding of how to incorporate compassion and presence into a healing process.


Sally Manahan is the Assistant Director of Mission Outreach and Education at Francis House and a graduate of the Franciscan-based Living School, under the directorship of Fr. Richard Rohr. Sally taught at the Crouse School of Nursing and Le Moyne College, and was an oncology nurse practitioner. She provides community education on end-of-life, caregiving, resilience and community-building.

Rev. Jana Biesanz, CT is the Director of Mission Outreach and Education for Francis House. Previously, she served as the Program Director for Authentic Presence, an end-of-life educational program and as an Interfaith chaplain for Hospice of Central New York. An ADEC certified thanatologist, Jana also trained in clinical pastoral education through SUNY Upstate's Department of Spiritual Care. She brings 17 years of contemplative training and practice to the spiritual care, grief support and end-of-life education she offers.

Marian Retreat

May 31, 10 am - 3pm

We will offer a We will offer a presentation on Our Blessed Mother facilitated by Regina Harty from the CNY Marian Center. Volunteers from the CNY Marian Center will also help participants make a five decade Rosary and a Seven Sorrows Rosary. The retreat is on the Feast of the Visitation. Topics to be discussed will include: Lectio Divina on the Scriptural origins of the Hail Mary, and the fruits of the Joyful Mysteries. Learn about some places Mary has appeared, her messages, and how she looked to the people who saw her. Follow Our Lady’s request to pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary with one of your very own making. Relics and the Pilgrim Rosary of Our Lady of Medjugorje will be present for veneration. Come and join us for this Marian retreat. (Don’t worry if you’re not crafty. We have plenty of helpers to help with knotting and final touches.)

Poetry and Prayer

A Day of Reflection

Friday, June 7, 2024 10 am - 3 pm

To pray is to take notice of the wonder, to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings . . . Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.

Inspired by the words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Sister Laura Bufano, CSJ will share how praying with poetry and the psalms have enriched her relationship with God.

Come, explore, and discover possible ways to weave poetry into your personal prayer and experience the beauty of the psalms with a fresh perspective. Participants will have the opportunity to read and hear the work of some of Sister Laura’s favorite poets, as well as some of her own poetry.

In case you are wondering, you will not be required to write poetry. However, you may wish to bring a poem or psalm that is particularly meaningful to you.  Offering: $35 includes lunch

Sister Laura Bufano, CSJ is a native of Syracuse and became a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1968. She currently serves as Vicar for Pastoral Leadership for the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse and is also a spiritual director. She enjoys cooking, jigsaw puzzling, playing Scrabble, and reading poetry. She has participated in the Trinity Women’s Poetry Group since the fall of 2017; since then, writing poetry has truly become a “spiritual practice” for her. She delights in sharing her poetry with anyone willing to listen.

June First Friday

June 7, 2024 10 am - 3 pm

We will inaugurate the Month of the Sacred Heart with a prayerful consideration of The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which “recited and meditated, becomes a true school of the interior of life, the school of every Christian because in the Heart of Christ there is the synthesis of all the mysteries of our faith.” Day will include conferences, optional Confession, and Mass with Anointing

Offering: $35 inclus lunch

Please join us as we welcome back Fr. Karlen, Retired Pastor & Associate Priest of Catherine Doherty’s Madonna House Apostolate.

Clergy Retreat

Sunday, June 16-Friday, June 21,2024

John Quigley, OFM will lead a retreat on “Reimagining our life within God; a deeper appreciation of our roots and Jewish heritage.”

Fr. John will assist the retreatants with reflections that re-imagine, for personal and pastoral benefit, some of the central beliefs of our tradition: Jesus, the perfect revelation of God; Memory and the Eucharist and the Trinity. He will investigate a deeper understanding and appreciation of our Jewish roots.

Offering: $600 for overnight , $350 for commuter

John Quigley is a Franciscan Friar who has ministered in North America and internationally. He is a preacher and an artist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. With his confrere Fr. Richard Rohr,

Fr. John worked at New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati for eight years before joining efforts within the Franciscan Family to work for justice, peace, and the care of creation. Besides a formal education in philosophy and theology, Fr. John studied fine arts. Currently, he preaches retreats, parish missions, and leads pilgrimages to Rome and Assisi.